Rise at 4:30
Run 5-10 miles
Lift weights and work abs
Eat Fiber One with raw eggs
Drink black coffee
Devotions for an hour
Pick up to babysit...teensit kids and take through highly structured itinerary
Read Anna Karenina/War and Peace/The Iliad
That's the morning.
Oh wait.
ACTUAL general resolutions
1) Run
2) Use sunscreen. Do not fry.
3) Make a reading list and read...most....some of the books on it.
5) Embrace inner Nanny. Mary Poppins? Mrs. Doubtfire?
6) Practice saving money
7) Make platypi dough figurines
8) Paint lots
9) Plant something
10) Love God, family, friends
That would be awesome. oh. AND go to CALIFORNIA.......HOPEFULLY......